As owners representative (liaison) I wrote and implemented all Operational Procedures, Factory Acceptance Test Procedures and Startup Procedures for LNG Plant.

  • DCS System Commissioning, Steam Systems and Cooling Tower Revamps Commissioning.
  • Performed review and revisions of Logic Diagrams. Control System and Loop System tuning.
  • Designed the Performance Testing of a Combined-Cycle 2186 MW Power Plant with (eight) 9FA Turbines and Condensers, the world’s largest at that time and at $3.2 Billion.
  • Another project was (two) 400MW Pulverized Coal Feed Power Plants with (four) 9FA Turbines , Cooling Towers and Refrigeration Cooling System revamps.
  • Control System Installation, Commissioning and Startup Schedules.
  • Develop working relationship with 3rd Party vendors to help better manage resources.